Sunday 24 February 2013

Struggle – Part 1

At a snail's pace the crimson hot sun, behind from the eastern mountains, came into view. Far and very far away from the large city of people in the immense and dense jungle, as the opening golden rays fall on the top of Minarets, Steeples, skyscrapers and apex of the green trees ; our little beautiful birds woke up feeling the warmth of rays. The pair cuddled and muttered to each other. Then she bird spread her wings, wide opened her beak and took fresh, cold air in. It refreshed her too. She perched on a bough and observed the sight before her. It was a bright day with clear blue sky above head. She felt cold air blowing against her and dancing waves of air were rustling through leaves making them hop. The summits of the colossal mountain were gleaming in golden light of the sun, casting its reflection through flowing streamat its foot. Fruit laden trees were swinging to kiss the elixir in stream and tossing ripened fruits to be carried away by splashing torrents. Blades of grass were waving to dispose of the dew drops and flowers of every color were sprinkling the sweet smell making the air soothing. Some fellow birds were taking their morning flight, diving and soaring. The sight was so magnificent and peaceful; tranquility seemed to prevail all around. Fascinating panorama and fragrant breeze delighted her so much that she sang in her most cheerful and the sweetest voice. The song of happiness and gratitude to God echoed back to her ears.
She hoped back to the nest and awoke her slumbering partner. She pecked him tenderly and whispered some loving words. He opened his tiny round eyes, raised neck and replied her affections with akin passion and love. Both sat on the branch to survey the scene before them.
For a moment, they looked at each other, decided through eyes and plunged into the air, screeching aloud. They played tricks with each other. Occasionally they fly straight, at another time they cross each other’s path or soar higher and higher, then stop fluttering their wings and let them fall. Most happily, they flew over the emerald trees and multi-colored flowers and bright grass and winding stream; inhaling the fresh zephyr in and stale warm breath out. They flew opposite to the gushing water, touching it with their claws and squealing excitedly. At last, they landed on the bank of brook. Rays of the radiant sun had turned colorless water into bright golden liquid. After taking a breath, the pair gulped fresh, golden liquid. Splashed water and flapped their wings. Thus the adorable couple took ablution to purify them. They saw their reflections in clear water and contemplated. The school of little fish caught their attention. They were swimming to and fro and some naughty fish came at the surface of water. She looked at her partner and then seized a fish in her beak. The waterless environment made the fish agitated and she beat her head and tail in agony. This softened the heart of caring bird and she threw away her back in water. With the sound of splash, the fish fell in water and joined her school immediately. It made the couple happy even more and they sang the song of freedom as loud as they could.
Then after a while he spoke to her like this. O my love! Let’s celebrate this marvelous day by having an adventure across the mountain, in the town of men. I happened to be there couple of times and have witnessed loads of mysterious things. This creature called man is very strange but interesting. Their way of living will amuse you very much, I swear.
“Though you raised my curiosity and I don’t need to be afraid of anything in your company. But o, dear me, I have learnt many dreadful sorties through other fellow birds. Men are fond of roasting the fowls in fire and capturing them in cages. Isn’t that terrible”? She said.
To some extent, it is true but they have made a mountain out of a molehill. I’ll stand by you through thick and thin and protect you till my last breath, he replied. They have more delicious foods too, eyes have never seen and tongues never tasted, he added.
Indeed, I don’t doubt on you my precious. I know it would be a great fun exploring world with you, she answered back.
The pair took a deep breath, flapped their wings and soar higher. They flew above the gigantic mountain. They traversed the meadows, herds of cattle grazing in and flocks of bird flying above. Several villages came in their way where peasants were growing crops and ploughing fields, vigorous bull running ahead of them. Children were chasing the dogs and women tramping on side walkings, carrying food for their husbands. The pair landed on fields and swallowed grains, seeds, insects and drank water from tube wells. They resume their journey and when they reached the outskirts of the city, it was almost midday. Some dark gray patches of clouds have appeared from nowhere and sun was playing hide and seek with them.
The air is getting colder and moister, I smell the rain. Don’t you think it’s dangerous? She said.
Don’t you worry my dear, it will be alright. Just in case it rains we will find shelters in the city, He replied.
They entered in the city, flew above many houses, streets and markets. Their eyes beheld many odd things which took them completely. They could see many birds chirping here and twittering there, animals too were making noises but they didn’t look like from the jungle. Some of them had been tethered while fowls were flapping in the iron cages. Ponies looked pale and skinny, asses seemed abstracted and lousy.
Children were chasing butterflies, throwing stones at dogs, splashing in the ponds and playing various games which were new to the eyes of the birds. Some were running in the streets and others weeping in mother’s laps.
The hustle and bustle in the markets was a spectacle beset with appealing activities. Men and women of every age and size attired in every kind of color, were laughing, yelling, brawling, purchasing and selling things. Some of them sat idly, gossiping and boasting, few smoking their pipes and reading papers. Shops were crammed with stuff.
To be Continued……….. (Part 2 of 4 Coming within a week, thanks!)

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