Sunday 24 February 2013

Struggle – Part 2

Chimneys were thrusting smoke into the air and kitchens giving out appetizing aroma even tempting to the nostrils of bird’s nostrils. Manifestation of so strange things left them bewildered and surprised so much that they couldn’t spot the upcoming thunderbolt. In a jiff people were rushing to find some shelter, umbrellas were drawn out and shopkeeper engaged themselves in gathering the merchandises. Large drops of water brought them back to their senses and they flew towards the row of buildings and discovered a safe shelter. It rained so heavily that everything got drenched and streets turned into streams.
Heavens! It seems impossible to return the jungle, she said in terrified voice. I miss our little cozy nest.
Let the rain stop, and then we will hit the sky for the home, he replied in amusement. Don’t be panicked but enjoy the situation.
It didn’t comfort her but what she could do. That’s why she remained speechless and gave out a sigh.
Rain went on beating against the panes of windows and kept the pair hold their seats. Little stomach of them had taken in very little since the morning, so as the downpour abated for a while, they flew into the streets and looked through the litters but found inefficient supply of edibles. Aroma arising from the houses attracted them and timidly they peeped into them, but being scared, they didn’t dare to go near the human. Eventually they spotted the pieces of bread in a courtyard and there was no human in proximity. Hunger made them courageous and they landed near the pieces of bread. There was a basket whose one end stood on a small rafter and a long rope, undetectable from a short distance, was fastened to it which ran to somewhere in corridor; and the other end was positioned on ground. Food lay in the region of and under the basket, slowly and gingerly they got nearer and started eating ravenously. He kept looking around suspiciously and let her eating. At last they both reached under the basket and were having their feast when they felt a slight tug in the rope. It was so sudden that they couldn’t figure it out, the rafter slipped away and basket fell on them with a thud. They screeched and flutter in vain. They heard triumphant cries and clapping.
Moments later, they heard running steps approaching near. Through the cracks they saw a man, a woman and a child, holding a sheet in hand which the man put on the basket. It went dark inside and then the trapped couple noticed the rising basket and tried to get rid of it. Out of frying pan into the fire, as they got out of the basket few hands grabbed them, still under the sheet. The child took off the cloth and watched his prey excitedly. In her despair she pecked him frantically and the horrified child released her. She flew away to the safe distance without looking behind and knowing nothing about her partner. After smoothing her breath, she came to know the absence of him. She called him again and again but no reply came which made her head whizzed and heartbroken. She went back to the house and called him hysterically. She followed his faint voices and saw him in the hands of man who very likely was arguing with the child, because he was pointing and watching the continuously shrieking bird with gloomy eyes. He raised the bird as to let him go. Meanwhile, the child wailed madly and the mother patted him tenderly and father lowered his hands. The child hurried into the house and came back quickly carrying a gilded cage in his hand. The man put the bird in, locked and handed it to the child.
With a heavy heart she pleaded as loud as she could, fly from one wall to another restlessly. As dejected she was, her eyes originated the cascade of tears and vocal cords produced most painful voices which touched the core of every being whose ears it travelled. Some birds nearby had witnessed the imprisonment of her partner, they came to the miserable creature and consoled her. “O dear fellow! Your loss, it goes without saying, is unbearable and we all feel sorry for you. But dear friend, there is nothing you can do but be patient. We all have undergone through such tragedies and learnt that time will heal all the wounds. So return to your home and live with what have befallen you, they said. One at a time, they came to her, presented a small lump of food and flew away. She thanked them and accepted their present wrapped in consoles and sympathies.
For the people rain had stopped but to her it dwelled in her beady eyes. It was getting dark and she thought it best to leave for home. It seemed impossible to fly home without him but she made it to her nest for her life as it is dear to everyone. Straws woven skillfully into nest were giving off his smell, and home seemed a wrecked place without him. Her whole body was sore and eyes heavy with slumber. She kept on moaning until heavy sleep alleviated her anguish and desolation. Following every regular interval, pangs of parting woke her up in the dead night. She spent the night restlessly.
Next morning, for rest of the birds and animals of woods, it was as magnificent one as ever. But for her it brought more tears in her eyes. Everything was dull and grey and she remained motionless for a long time, crying and mourning. A green bird, who was watching her, came and inquired about the trouble.
My friend, I am your neighbor and have been listening to you sobbing whole night. Your trouble, troubles me too. Pray consider me your friend and let me know what has saddened you and if I can be of any assistance to you.
She raised her head and replied quietly, I am grateful to you for your concern and then she told what happened to her.
Indeed, your grief is inconsolable but instead of crying you must seek the counsel of the wisest green bird of our clan. The victims like you come to him for help. I must take you to him.
To be Continued……….. (Part 3 of 4 Coming within a week, thanks!)

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